Our garden is an oasis of serenity, subtlety, and harmony.

After a couple of attempts to create our garden, we chanced upon a photo in Sunset magazine depicting a garden that resonated with our aesthetic. Eugene is 65 miles away so we initially thought we'd contact Mosaic for design ideas. After meeting Rebecca and Buell, we decided that paying their travel costs was well worth having their hands in the dirt, and have never regretted that decision, which was 3 years ago. And they are still developing and enhancing our garden, which is an oasis of serenity, subtlety, and harmony.
Here are the qualities of Mosaic that make us love these guys:
-sensitivity to the repose of the land, the unseen but imagined potential of land, light, and contour
-encyclopedic knowledge of plants, their natural history, needs, compatibility, and life cycle
-total commitment to the vision
-fine tuned and subtle aesthetic
-knowledge of a wide variety of materials, skill in construction, and resources to provide professional support when the task exceeds their skill set
-creative vision, patience, perseverance
-unwavering commitment to quality
-ethical and fair business practices
-sensitivity to client's sense of beauty, and ability to design and build that both aligns with and expands upon the client's imagination
-friendly, with well behaved dogs
Our garden has changed the way we relate to the outdoors year round. The biggest problem with it is that we won't be able to pack it up and take it with us when its time to move on.

- Samuel Farmer and Stephanie Holmes-Farmer, Salem, Oregon